Week 7
November 29 - December 5
Well, this week started out kind of eventful. And not in a good way. On the very first day of the 7th week, in the early afternoon, I noticed that I was starting to cramp a little. They weren't bad, but they were strong enough for me to notice and constant enough that I began to worry. But I didn't notice anything else, including spotting on the trips to the bathroom I took during this 45-minute or so time span, so I just figured it was my uterus growing. Three hours pass and as I'm standing at the sink doing dishes, I coughed. *Gush*. Shit. It wasn't a big gush, but when nothing is supposed to be gushing, you tend to notice that kind of thing. Went to check it out in the bathroom and see right away a spot of red on my underwear. Panic is starting to set in at this point because red spotting isn't good. And although they didn't occur simultaneously, the earlier presence of cramps is what did me in. I'm just trying to tell myself that spotting and cramping are super common in early pregnancy and that maybe I just have a small blood clot.
I called the clinic in the morning and talked to my doctor's nurse. She asked if I was still cramping and/or spotting and I said no, that it seemed like it was a one-time thing. She then asked if I was drinking enough water. No, I've been pretty lax in that department. Then she asked if there was an activity that I did too much in. And it just so happened that I did do some hard swimming that day. So she recommended me to take it easy during swimming, drink at least 64oz. of water a day, and then see how it goes. Since it seemed to be an isolated event, she didn't think I needed to go in. And so far, 5 days later, all seems to be well. No more spotting. :) Yay!
New symptom alert. Exhaustion. I thought I got tired quickly before, but wow, now it's like hitting a brick wall. You don't even see it coming until it's here.
I also think my tummy's starting to grow just a bit. Or I'm just bloated. Either way, certain pants are feeling a little snug. I'll have to start taking pictures. I got one at 6 weeks, which I consider my baseline pic. And I wasn't planning on taking any more until I started showing. But now I'm realizing that it will just gradually appear and that my tummy just won't all of a sudden pop out one day.
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