July 25, 2012

Pregnancy: 39th week

Week 39
July 10 - 16

Progression. That's what I think I'm having. Lots of Braxton Hicks, some real contractions (though short and not very painful) and lots of cervix hits. It's still pretty surreal for me... I mean, I know I'm pregnant, as that fact would be hard to miss seeing as though I'm roughly the size of a small house. Cliche, I know. But it's true. Anyway, it's hard to grasp the fact that within a week, DH and I will be solely responsible for another human being. We've waited so long to get to this point, and now that it's here, it's scary as hell. Which is normal, I'm sure.

Physically, I'm doing as well as can be expected. My feet are pretty swollen, but not painful. It's kinda weird walking though. With every step, I can feel the water sloshing a bit. After a brief hiatus, my nose is back to being stuffy. Rash is still gone! ECP still here. And fingers now feel arthritic in the morning, and periodically throughout the day.

My 39 week appointment was another short one. I'm measuring good, blood pressure is good, baby's heart rate is good. She offered a cervical check, but I declined until next week, if I get that far. I just felt that I could go for weeks being 2cm dilated, and besides, there's nothing I can do about it. Baby will come when it wants to come.

But the next day, I was wishing that my appointment would be the next day, as the baby was trying its hardest to make an escape. And that included a lot of cervix hits. So I'm guessing I'm closer to 3cm now, although I can't back that up without her actually checking me.

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