January 6, 2012

So, how am I doing?

Although I'll include symptoms individually within each weekly update, I thought I'd just give a basic overall update through my first 12 weeks.

For the most part, I am LOVING being pregnant. I've had a few scares here and there really early, but otherwise it's been smooth sailing. I haven't been affected by morning sickness at all, although I do tend to get a little nauseous if I go too long without food. I haven't been too tired, although once in a while I'm wiped out by 7:30pm (like tonight). My food aversions are minimal (just eggs mainly, though sometimes my tummy will decide it doesn't like something randomly). Food cravings are minimal also. No weird combos.

I guess the biggest, most consistent things, are that I'm ALWAYS hungry, and I'm constantly having to go to the bathroom. But those are pretty average.

The only thing I'm starting to worry about a bit is the fact that whenever I change positions, move too quickly, sneeze or cough in a certain position, or now even walking (pretty much whenever I'm moving), I get sharp pains low in my abdomen. It's been like that for about the past 5 weeks. I asked my doctor about Round Ligament Pain (RLP), but she says I'm really early for that. So it's just something we're going to have to keep an eye on. Something tells me that it's because the baby is pretty low in my uterus (going by where the Dr. found the heartbeat), and if that's the case, I'm just going to have to grin & bear it because there isn't anything anyone can do about it.

Just a note: for the next month or so, I will likely be publishing something every day. I have a big backlog of posts and I want to get caught up to real-time!

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