January 26, 2012

Pregnancy: 14th week

Week 14
January 17 - 23

Well, the good news is that my appetite came back a little bit and I didn't even get nauseous! Just for one day though.

Seriously, second trimester sucks so far! I'm nauseous pretty much all the time, I've got lots of random food aversions, I can't do much of anything for longer than 5 minutes before I need to sit down because I get so tired, I'm waking up at least 2x a night and have trouble falling back asleep, and the worst part is that I'm getting a headache almost daily now... which makes my nausea worse. I thankfully haven't thrown up (yet), but I still count nausea as morning sickness.

I really hate complaining about this because it means that I actually am growing a baby inside of me. Before, I always wanted to maim pregnant women who complained about being pregnant, because it felt like they weren't counting their blessings. So I guess that makes me a hypocrite? Feel free to maim me... it might take my mind off my stomach and/or my head. ;)

But man, why couldn't this have happened in the first trimester, you know, when I was expecting it?!? Yes, it will get better. I know that. I'm just throwing a pity party. Don't mind me.

In more exciting news, I think I've felt the baby a few more times. It's always felt like a little thump, and not the butterflies everyone talks about. I hope to feel it more this week!

And now back to poor me stuff, it feels like I broke my butt during swimming. No, I didn't slip & fall, and no, I doubt I actually broke anything. But on Tuesday, I was being maybe a little too vigorous in my breaststroke kicking, and I pulled some muscles. At first, I thought it was my groin, because that's usually the first muscle you'd pull if you were doing breaststroke. But upon discrete prodding, stretching and further swimming, I've deduced that it's not the groin that I pulled, but a muscle I had no idea existed. It's further up than the groin, and further back towards the butt. Hence me saying I think I broke my butt. From a little search on Google, the closest muscle to where I'm describing is the "Pubococcygeus muscle", though I'm not entirely sure that's right either.

All I know now is that it hurts like a b*tch to do breaststroke, and is somewhat painful when I do freestyle or backstroke kicking. So now I have to take it even easier on the lame 500 meters I've already cut myself down to. Go me!

Sorry... it's been a tough week. I hope next week I'll be perkier. US Nationals for figure skating will be next week, so that'll help.

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