January 16, 2012

Most controversial decision I've made yet

Any guesses what it may be? No, it's not cloth diapers, but that actually came in at a close second.

It's the fact that I don't want to know the sex of the baby before birth. I see the benefits of knowing before-hand, what with buying stuff for the nursery, clothing and choosing definite names. By at the same time, I love surprises, and this is probably the best surprise one could have. I can speculate all I want before (and I do). But there's something to say about the anticipation of the reveal to finally know what sex the baby is.

I also feel I'm more than patient enough to wait. So we will wait.

DH would like to know, but he respects that I don't, so he will go along with it. He tried to talk me into him finding out, and me being in the dark, but IMHO, I think he will slip one way or another and then I won't have a surprise anymore. So I said no. I did make a deal with him though... I told him that if I'm ever pregnant with twins, then we could find out.

When I told my mom that we weren't planning to find out, I thought she would blow a gasket just trying to get me to change my mind. Especially when she asked what kind of clothes she should buy for the baby shower. My answer? Some of the more neutral looking boy clothes, because there's nothing wrong with dressing a girl in the darker colors normally reserved for boys, should we have a girl. We were in Old Navy at the time, and as an example, I held up an innocent red and white striped onesie. OMG. To hear her talk, I would be torturing my girl by putting her in boys clothing... even if it is just a red and white onesie. Girls apparently need pastel colors, ruffles, bows, lace and all that fussy stuff I would never dress a girl in anyway, all just so the general public knows for sure that it's a girl. But honestly, if people hear her name and still call her a boy, then they're idiots, and no amount of pink will change that.

I know it won't be easy for friends and family to pre-buy baby clothes if they want to do so, as I am well aware that gender neutral baby clothes are lame (I blame the ultrasound industry for this). I am sorry. If it's that important to buy girl clothes for a girl and boy clothes for a boy, just wait until it's born to buy clothes. I understand and won't mind. :)


  1. I hear you on the clothes thing! It's a giant pain in the butt finding anything gender neutral that is really something you'd dress your child in! :)

  2. I always liked the gender neutral stuff in the beginning, but then again I have a thing for green. And in beginning no matter how much pink or purple Parker was in she was often called a boy. So really color doesn't buy you appropriate gender responses (not having a gender neutral name does...).
