December 13 - 19
The first day of each new week seems to bring bad things. I hope this isn't a sign of what's to come. At 7w0d, I had cramping and red spotting. At 8w0d, I started treatment of a yeast infection. Now at 9w0d, I woke up with a migraine. I knew I would get one at some point, but in the back of my head, I was hoping that it would hold out until after I had the baby. No such luck. Not only can I not take anything stronger than 2 Tylenol (which won't even touch it), migraines make me nauseous, and since I already have difficulties eating food that my stomach doesn't agree with, I foresee problems in the very near future. I might have to break down & drink some Mt. Dew and see if the caffeine will help. Oh wait. DH decided to drink only non-caffeinated pops, so there is no Mt. Dew in the house. Spectacular. It's going to be a long day.
At least Mother Nature is giving me a break by making it dark & dreary. The sun isn't my friend during a migraine either. And to top it all off, I have to go swimming today. And I mean I have to. I have to go 4 times this week and 4 times next week in order to get my 12 in. And I didn't go yesterday (Monday). I just hope the water isn't 95 degrees like it was last week (yes, it really was that hot). That is way too warm for a preggo to be doing laps and not wanna throw up. I lasted 15 minutes.
Sorry. I don't like to complain about pregnancy because I truly do cherish every second of it. And I guess I'm not really complaining about it... I'm complaining about my migraine, which is a whole 'nother story. That, and I sometimes like to complain. It's exhausting always being so optimistic. I don't know how perky people do it.
9w0d - My boobs barely hurt anymore which kinda bothers me. And the previous few days, I lost my nausea, hunger & tiredness on top of the no boobs hurting & new spotting & cramping, so I was freaking out inside. So I was glad when my hunger & nausea came back on 8w6d, and that the spotting & cramping went away, too.
9w1d - OMG, I am hungry all.the.time.! During swimming, out of nowhere, my stomach almost literally said "feed me!" in that deep scary possessed monster voice. And I had only eaten about 45 minutes earlier. It hasn't gotten much better the whole day. But the good part is that I don't have any aversions today, so I have more choice in what to feed my tummy monster (no, that's not the baby's nickname... although it's kinda cute).
9w2d - After being perfectly normal all day, my tummy monster decided to hesitate right before dinner. I forced myself to eat though, and tummy monster decided it really liked food again. It's currently 10pm, and I'm starving, although it's only been an hour & a half since I ate dinner (with seconds). Why can't tummy monster like food during the day, you know, so I don't have to wake up to feed it? I know, I know... a sign of things to come. :P
9w4d - I don't know if I'm just bloated or if my tummy is starting to grow, but my upper stomach (the area right below my boobs) is pushing out a bit. I know that the organs shift around as the baby grows, but I'm curious to know if it typically happens this early. I don't know.
9w5d - I now have a permanent food aversion: eggs. Just writing the word make my stomach heave just a bit.
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