January 3 - 9
One more week until I'm out of the 1st trimester! Even though 13 weeks is the technical start of the 2nd trimester, I am now breathing a little easier now that I've hit 12 weeks, so it almost feels as though I'm already there.
And I announced the pregnancy on Facebook on Wednesday. I have my 12 week appointment on Friday, and wanted to wait until then, but since pretty much all my close family & friends already knew, I figured it was no big deal to reveal a few days earlier than planned. Now I can start "liking" baby-related FB pages! I've been participating in cloth diaper giveaways, and you get more votes if you "like" their page on FB. Well, when you're supposed to be in the closet, you can't do things like that or people will put 2 & 2 together... especially since FB started that annoying real-time ticker that no one can turn off.
Anyway, I'm starting to have problems with migraines, and it really sucks, as I mentioned in a previous post. But I think I know what the main culprit is... sleeping on my back. I go to sleep on my left side, but I sometimes find myself waking up on my back. And the reason why I think this gives me migraines is because my pillow is a little taller than normal, so my neck is at a weird angle. And since my neck is my Achilles Heel, it almost never misses an opportunity to give me problems. I don't want to, but I think I may have to start sleeping with a pillow between me and DH to help prevent me from rolling on my back. He'll just have to get his cuddles some other time.
12w6d - I *think* I felt the baby. It was just a teeny-tiny thump. Or it was a gas bubble. I think I'll just go with the baby, because that's way cooler than any old gas bubble.
*results of my 12 week appointment*
So I'm *slightly* annoyed, not much, but just a little. When I first went in for confirmation at 4 weeks, the doctor kinda made a big deal about not knowing how to date me since I didn't O on CD14 like every other woman on this planet, and so I'd need an ultrasound to do it. I did it, and measured exactly according to my O date.
Well, today, I was listening to the nurses talk (one was training) and heard the senior one say "we go by LMP, so she is 13w1d". What? No, I am 12w3d! I thought we'd established that when you O late, you shouldn't go by LMP (last menstrual period). So when the doctor came in, I asked her, and she said that usually until the 20w ultrasound, they go by LMP, even if there was a dating ultrasound. And she's considering my EDD to be July 12th, instead of the 17th. Grrr. I know it's only 5 days, but still! While I will never regret getting the dating scan and seeing my baby, I'm annoyed that she made a big deal about something she really wouldn't use anyway. So while it's cooler to say I'm in my 13th week, I'm just going to keep using my O date EDD, because I know it's right. I'll say it again... I could totally be a doctor!
Anyway, I got to hear the heartbeat! It took her a while to find, which kinda made me have a heart attack, but she finally got it. The baby is low on my right side, and the HB is measuring about 170 BPM, which is good.
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