Week 6
November 22 - 28
Okay, I broke down. I took advantage of some awesome Black Friday deals on cloth diapers, even though I was only 6w2d. I was thinking of any other big sale day, other than after-Christmas but before I give birth, that would save me as much money, and I couldn't come up with anything. Memorial Day is about it, and I don't see that being a huge cloth diaper sale day. So I took the risk and built my stash.
I bought enough to hopefully get me through until next Black Friday, when I'll have to size up about half of my diapers. The other half of my stash includes One Size (OS) diapers... meaning they have snaps in the front that you can use to adjust to the size of the baby. And the weight range is about 8-35lb. So they'll hopefully last until the kid is potty trained. But since they're used so much more than ones the baby grows out of, they wear out faster, so I don't know if my OS's will make it to subsequent kids. They're relatively cheap though, so no biggie. I'll run down my newborn-6m stash on a later post.
Also this week was a little scare. On Sunday after a BM (sorry... or no, I'm not. I warned you this blog might be gross), I noticed some spotting, and it wasn't brown. It was pinkish-red. Since whenever I see spotting, I am used to AF being right behind it, my heart dropped a bit. But my fabulous friends on FF reassured me that during pregnancy, the cervix is super sensitive, and that sometimes if you even look at it wrong, it bleeds. Okay, you can't really look at your cervix. But you know what I mean. So it's normal, especially since it's only when I have a BM and haven't experienced any cramping.
And finally, some symptoms are starting to show their ugly heads. But I'm good with it, because then I won't worry as much. Anyway, the first big thing is my appetite. I don't have one. Food just does not interest me at all, which is unusual for me because I love food. And then I start to get nauseous because I haven't eaten. Whatever I force myself to eat though, must be salty. Sweets also hold no interest for me, which is doubly unusual for me. Cravings have also started. My favorites right now include lemon-lime Kool-Aid, spicy chicken sandwiches from Wendy's (bought some Schwan's spicy chicken since we don't have a Wendy's) and mall pretzels with salt and nacho cheese sauce (bought frozen ones since our mall sucks). The second big thing is that I'm constantly tired. I can wake up from an 8 hour sleep and still be tired. The third big thing, for me at least, is that my breath support while playing my clarinet is drastically reduced. I feel like I have to breathe every 2 measures now, instead of the 4-8 I had before. And at the end of the song, I'm practically panting. I'm going to have to watch this one, because I don't wanna be passing out. That would be kind of awkward.
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