January 21, 2012

Pregnancy: 10th week

Week 10
December 20 - 26

This is the week that family will find out, and I'm excited to share the news with them! When I was thinking of whom to tell and when, I automatically knew that family would find out at Christmas. The timing is absolutely perfect, and I knew that it is the best gift to give. Who needs gift cards when you get a new baby in the family? Exactly.

What I did was crop & size the ultrasound in Photoshop, and then I printed it out. I bought 2 nice frames with matting and put the pictures in. Then I wrapped them up. Simple as that. I'm looking forward to hearing about my in-laws' reaction though. They requested a studio portrait of all their children & their spouses so they could hang them on the wall. So they think that's what I sent. :) I'm crafty like that.

Anyway, I do have a little guilt over something. I also play in my church's small band, and on Sunday, there was a Christmas program we were playing at. We were in a back room, getting everything ready when one of the ladies kinda point-blanks asks me if I'm expecting. Somehow word got around that someone in the band was expecting, and as most of the other ladies are older, I became prime suspect #1. Since I wasn't ready for a lot of people to know yet, I lied and said no. In church. In front of the pastor's wife (sorry!). I know they'll all understand when I finally am "out", but it doesn't stop me from feeling guilty about it. It makes me wonder though who spilled the beans. I'm thinking it was someone DH told, as at that point, I'd told only my very closest friends, and NONE of them have ties to anyone at our church. DH does have a few friends who go to our church, so that's what leads me to suspect him.

Well, the reveal went almost as planned. When my mom was done opening up her gifts, I handed her the wrapped picture, saying "here's one more". She was just talking away, not really paying attention to what she was opening. Then she looked down, started smiling, looked at me and said "really?!?" She just kept looking at it all night. And when my aunt & uncle came over the next day, they saw it and said "really?!?". And finally, when my brother & sister-in-law came over the day after that, they saw it and said "really?!?". Yes, really. :)

But we heard absolutely nothing from my in-laws. We gave it a day or two, and then I messaged my MIL to ask if they'd gotten the package. Turns out they hadn't. But then the next day, a new message showed up on FB from my MIL with the exclamation of it being the best Christmas present ever! So while it was a day or two (or three) late, the news eventually got there.

10w0d - Wow, hormones! DH didn't want to eat leftovers, so he was scrounging through the fridge, and I felt like the worst wife in the entire world because I wasn't feeding him satisfactorily. I admit, I cried. While I would normally feel bad for not providing a proper meal, I would just shrug my shoulders, say "whatever" and be glad he was fixing the situation himself instead of wanting me to make something else. But I wouldn't cry about it.

1 comment:

  1. Oh crying over stupid stuff. Don't feel bad about it. Just ask Phil about when I broke down while picking up sticks in the yard.
