April 9, 2012

Pregnancy: 25th week

Week 25
April 3 - 9

*Sigh* another week started with something bad happening. Remember back in February when I went to the ER 2 days in a row? The one where I didn't get an actual diagnosis, but only a guess of what happened? Yeah, it's happening again.

I was woken up out of a dream where I thought I was pulling a side muscle. Only I wasn't pulling a muscle. My kidney area was throbbing in real life, and it manifested itself as a muscle pull in my dream. Anyway, that was at 1:30am. Once I woke up enough to realize what it was, I immediately went to the bathroom to pee. And although the pain wasn't nearly as bad as it was the first time around, I took some of the awesome pain medicine I got last time. I figured if I didn't, it would get worse (because it always does if I hesitate to take pain meds). Also that the pain last time didn't start out horrible, either, so the likelihood of it getting worse was good. Those puppies knocked me out until about 10:00am. Well, I shouldn't say that, because I do remember getting up a few times to use the bathroom. But 10:00am was the first time I felt I could get out of bed and actually feel somewhat awake.

Overall, it hasn't been as bad as last time, which I attribute to the pain meds and anti-nausea meds. But it still sucks, especially since both types of meds I have make me sleepy. I just hope I don't have so much pain that I throw up, like last time.
Nope, it hasn't been too bad. Even 4 days past what I wrote above, I still get a dull throbbing pain, but it's manageable without meds.

Anyway, since this has been going on, I've curtailed a lot of my daily activities. I only swam once this week, although I really should have gone 3 times. I haven't gone to college band practice since it started, although I really should have, because we have a concert coming up fast. Cleaning? Yeah, just a light go-over.

But on the bright side, the baby has gotten a LOT more active, and a lot stronger. It's also started kicking (or head butting, I can't tell yet) different areas, so it's a nice reprieve for my bladder. I think I'm gaining more weight now, too, although I don't think my tummy's grown a whole lot in the past few weeks.

And the paint it on the walls of the nursery now! It looks great! Back when I was discussing it with DH, I mentioned getting the carpet cleaned in there. It's cream colored and obviously dirty/stained in places. But he said he didn't think it was necessary, without even going in there to look. Now that he's spent so much time in there though, he now sees how unclean it looks. So I'm going to do a little research and see if it'd be cheaper to hire someone to come do just that one room or to rent a cleaner and do it ourselves.

It's slowly coming together and getting more real. Fun!

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