July 5, 2012

Thoughts on maternity clothes

So I was thinking the other day what, if anything, I'd change about my maternity wardrobe if I got to build it all over again. And technically I could buy more mat clothes, but with only 2 or so weeks to go, it'd kinda be pointless unless I REALLY needed something, which I don't.

But anyway, here's my conclusion on maternity clothing, and what I recommend for a first time preggo who is wondering what they'll need. But note: I do not work outside the home, so you're on your own for figuring out work clothes. :) Oh, and my style is decidedly very casual... I am far from being fashionable, and am the first to admit it. So if you're a t-shirt & jeans type of girl, this is more up your alley.


1) You can never have too many tank tops!!! I wear them about 95% of the time, although part of that has to do with the fact that it's warm out. But I honestly think I'd wear them that much in the winter, too, only I'd layer stuff on top. I have 6 that I'm rotating between, and I feel as though I could use a couple more, even though 6 sounds more than sufficient. It's not. Next time I get pg, most of my maternity purchases will likely be tank tops.

2) They might look weird, but the stretchy panels on pants, shorts & skirts are the bomb! The bottoms I have that do not have this panel, I'm always having to pull back up because they slip down so easily. And it also offers a barrier between your skin and your shirt when your belly becomes big and itchy.

3) Maternity jeans suck. Now it could be the reason I think this is because my 2 pairs don't have the stretchy panel, but they are so uncomfortable that I only wear them when everything else is dirty... which is never because I do a lot of laundry. Instead, I'm wearing gray cargo pants that roll into capris (awesome purchase, by the way), khaki shorts, black leggings and skirts for my bottoms.

4) Casual dresses and skirts are your friends! I have 2 skirts and 1 maxi dress that I absolutely love. They lend an airiness factor that you can't really get with shorts or pants. It's hard to explain. But if you've been pregnant, you'll understand.

5) Empire waisted shirts & dresses: do it! I've found that the further along I get, if my clothes don't have this waist, it makes me feel huge and dumpy. Now all of my tank tops don't have this feature, and for those, I don't seem to mind. But all my other shirts, I do. Just a personal thing, I think.

6) Seasonal weather doesn't factor in very much, so think before you buy. When I found out I was pregnant, it was heading into winter. So of course my first purchases were long-sleeved t-shirts. How many times have I worn said shirts? Maybe 2-3 each. I was so warm even in the cold of a ND winter that I would just get too sweaty in them. So I'd end up wearing short-sleeved t-shirts and tank tops, and bringing a sweater just in case I did get cold. Yeah, I got a lot of weird looks, especially since at the time, I hadn't told anyone I was pregnant. But weird looks are infinitely better than huge sweaty pit stains.

7) Maternity clothing leaves a lot to be desired, so if you're able to, go to your favorite clothing stores and just buy the next size up. My favorites are t-shirts from Old Navy. They run a little big anyway, so my medium shirts lasted quite a while. If I tried any on right now, I'm thinking I could get away with wearing an XL. And I had one pair of pre-pregnancy jeans that worked a lot longer than I thought they would. I was able to get away with this up until my 7th month before I needed to have a 100% maternity wardrobe, although I realize that a lot of women won't get as far as that.

8) Unless you buy a lot of maternity clothes, you WILL get bored with your wardrobe. I purposely didn't buy a lot because I was only going to wear this stuff for a couple of months and didn't want to spend a lot of money. But now I wish I had bought a few more things, because I feel I'm constantly wearing the same thing over and over again. It also makes it hard to pack your hospital back with extra clothes when your wardrobe is so limited anyway. And I look at all my pre-pregnancy clothes just hanging there in all their wonderful colorfulness in my closet, and I wish I could wear them still. Just a few more weeks, and maybe I'll be able to fit back into some of the looser articles I have. And perhaps that pre-pregnancy pair of jeans that worked for such a long time will fit soon, too. We shall see.

1 comment:

  1. Good comments. That's pretty much what I remember, except for me, the minute the test came back positive I ended up popping and having to wear maternity clothes. And yes, they really get boring.
