June 25, 2012

Pregnancy: 36th week

Week 36
June 19 - 25

Ah, the infamous 36th week. The week where one typically gets tested for Group B Strep and also the joys of the first cervical check. To tell the truth, I was super nervous going in. No one likes to have exams where the doctor sticks their fingers or whatever up inside you (get your mind out of the gutter!). And I'd heard that cervical checks hurt massively. I also woke up feeling a little off, so that did not help matters at all.

Before all the fun started though, I brought up my rashy feet, which I updated in the previous post and bitched about in another, so I won't repeat that here. And then we got down to business. First was the GBS test. I knew essentially what would happen and that it'd be quick. I just wasn't excited to have a swab go places where no swab should go. Luckily it wasn't bad and was over before I knew it. And then the cervical check. Honestly, I'm thinking that if you go through any sort of infertility testing, it kind of desensitizes the area. I say that, because my cervical check, while a little uncomfortable, wasn't in the least bit painful. And my cervix was hiding a bit, so she had to search for it. Perhaps it'll be different when I'm actually in labor? I don't know. Anyway, I'm 1cm dilated. She didn't mention how effaced I am or how soft/firm my cervix was, but I imagine I'm still a ways away from going into labor. So while I'm glad to have at least a little progress, I'm not too excited over it, because I know that I can go for weeks and not have it change any.

Then right before I left, she got my urine sample results back: I have a bladder infection. It was news to me because I have no symptoms of one, which is one perk of being pregnant. I did mention to her that I had my full prescription of Macrobid, minus 1 pill, that I'd gotten when I was diagnosed with a bladder infection during my first ER visit in February (I was back the next day, where they determined I didn't actually have one, so that's why I still have the pills). I just wanted her to know so she didn't need to order anything unnecessarily. But she said that she doesn't recommend Macrobid at this point in the pregnancy. Apparently it has a tendency to cause the baby's bilirubin to go up, and we don't want that. Excess bilirubin causes jaundice.

The next day, I got the call telling me that the prescription for my bladder infection was ready to be picked up, so off I went to the pharmacy. As the clerk was looking at the slips, she looks up and asked me if I am allergic to penicillin. I replied that I am. Then she leaves the counter and comes back with a pharmacist. Apparently, with the medication I was prescribed, Cephalexin, there is a 3-5% chance that since I am allergic to penicillin, I'd be allergic to that as well. Great. I took the meds anyway because 3-5% is pretty low odds, but I made myself wait until DH was home from work before I took the first pill just in case I got a reaction. With all the bad going on right now, I'm happy to report that it appears as though I'm NOT allergic to Cephalexin. If I were, that would just be the crappy icing on top of a crappy cake.

Sorry... I don't like to complain about pregnancy, although from my posts, it doesn't seem like it since I complain a lot. I really AM grateful to be having this baby. I just hate that I'm experiencing all the bad things I never learned about until I got them... and I considered myself pretty educated about pregnancy for someone who'd never been pregnant. Silly me. I knew absolutely nothing. And should I be so fortunate to get pregnant again, life will probably throw more curve balls at me to prove it.

In more uplifting news, the baby seems to be thriving and is pretty active. Its new favorite activity is stretching its feet up into my stomach. As you can imagine, this isn't very comfortable for me as it causes more reflux and heartburn. But it seems to like the activity, so we'll just go with it. Like I can do anything about it anyway.

DH & I also had our initial name discussion, and it left me wanting to bang my head against the wall and regret even proposing that he be involved in naming the kid. Apparently it's very common for men to not take this seriously and suggest absolutely insane names that will cause a lot of hassle for them in the future. And then they complain that they didn't get any say in the matter. Well, they only have themselves to blame. Anyway, I gave him my requirements and told him to try again. We'll see if it pans out any better next time. If not, I'm going to have to inform him that his naming rights extend to the surname only. Otherwise, they've been permanently revoked until the next baby, when ideally he'd have learned his lesson.

If you're curious, my requirements are 1) must be traditional, but 2) not trendy, and 3) no kre8tive spellings. The way things are going, I might compromise on the trendy requirement, but the name has to be just right for that to happen. When I told my mom my requirements, she asked about the kre8tive spelling one, and she was shocked to learn that I wish she'd just named me Jamie, and that I hate having my name spelled Jaime. Not only is it super annoying to consistently have your name misspelled by everyone, even people you've known for decades, it's doubly more annoying to have people pronounce it the way they would if I were somewhere where Spanish was spoken. I realize that she just wanted my name to be slightly different, but when your personality is like mine, "different" is one of the last things you want to be. Yeah, she had no way of knowing this while I was a baby, so it just goes to show that you can't assume stuff like that. So I'll give a traditional name with traditional spelling just to play it safe. Boring? Perhaps. But at least I'll know that if my kid gets picked on, it won't be because I let DH have his way and name it Spicy Chicken Sandwich. And yes, I'm completely serious... it's the baby's in utero nickname, and DH likes it so much, he thinks it should become official.

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