April 30, 2012

Pregnancy: 28th week

Week 28
April 24 - 30

The 1-hour glucose test: one of the things I most dreaded as soon as I found out what week I needed to do it. Obviously since I mentioned it for the past few weeks, it happened this week. All along, I feared failing it, even though I'm still on a full dosage of metformin, and then having to take the 3-hour and failing that, too. Then I'd be forced to restrict my diet. Which isn't the worst thing in the world, but not something I wanted to do nonetheless.

I really meant to be good the week prior to being tested, but the way it turned out, I wasn't all that good leading up to it. Not good at all, since the baby's been having major growth spurts and all I want to eat is sugar. That, and I kinda forgot when my appointment was until the day of, so I would have forgotten to be good anyway.

So I get there, and the lab tech hands me a cup of the orange flavored drink. And I'm glad, because I know there are a few different flavors available, and had heard that the orange one is the best. One of my friends said it tasted like the orange drink from McDonald's, which I happen to love. Anyway, I didn't get a choice in flavors, so I'm happy it was the orange one. It does taste like the orange drink from McDonald's, although slightly waterier. So it wasn't bad. I had problems chugging it though, because as all my friends know, I do not drink things quickly. But I managed. Then I went back into the lab waiting room, grabbed my book, and read. They called me back in in an hour, took my blood, then I left. No side effects from the drink at all, so that is good. I got the call the next day that I passed! All that worry for nothing. I have no idea what my numbers were, and honestly, I don't care. They probably weren't that close to the limit, because borderliners usually have to take the 3-hour anyway (which is stupid IMHO... if you're under the limit, even if only by one point, you passed and shouldn't have to do the 3-hour). One less thing to worry about.

And now I'm going to complain about something I've suspected for a while, but now I'm pretty sure is true: I have developed spring allergies. The itchy mouth and going through half a box of Kleenex (a big box, too) a day proves it. I thought I was lucky and escaped it, even though I do get fall allergies. But the thing is, I don't know if it happened just because I am pregnant, or if I would have developed them eventually anyway. Guess I'll find out next year. All I know is that I hate not being able to breathe through my nose and not being able to take anything cool to help it. Most of the things I can take, like regular Claritin, don't work. I can take Benadryl, and it does work, but it also makes me extremely drowsy, so I only take it at night. It's the big suck during the day though.

Baby-wise, it's been super super active of late. One night, I kept on being woken up from all the partying going on in there. And here I thought I was going to be getting calm baby. Who knows though... perhaps it will be, but interspersed with periods of craziness. Just like my DH. :)

Nesting-wise, I've started prepping my newborn prefolds. Since they're a natural fiber, in this case, cotton, they need to be washed in hot water and dried... at least 5 times. The oils in natural fibers make the fabric repel liquid, so they need to be washed out completely so that they can absorb. Because, you know, that's the whole point of a diaper. It's a pain in the butt, but it needs to be done. I'm just thankful that the rest of my diapers are made with synthetic fabrics and only need to be washed and dried once. Anyway, I've done 2 full cycles so far. I'll finish up the other 3 once the month rolls over... don't wanna have huge water & gas bills from April. :) I *could* boil them for 30 minutes and then just wash & dry them once, but something tells me that I shouldn't carry a pot full of boiling water & diapers down the stairs to dump in the wash machine. I have enough kitchen accidents as it is, so maybe that's part of it. In the meantime, I'll keep trucking along with my cloth wipes. I aim to have 30-36 when all is said and done, and so far, I only have a dozen completely done. Another 10 are halfway done, and the rest need to be put together. It's just a matter of sitting down and doing more than just a few at a time.