April 2, 2012

Pregnancy: 24th week

Week 24
March 27 - April 2

I'm finally starting to actually feel pregnant! Probably because people are now starting to stare at my belly in public. I never was that girl who may be pregnant or just fat, but apparently within the past few weeks, my belly's grown enough that it's very apparent. It's nice, but at the same time, I never did like to have attention on me, so having people staring at me is a little uncomfortable. I guess I'm just thankful that no one has tried to touch my belly yet. That will be unacceptable, no matter who does it, because they're not touching the baby, they're touching ME. And the baby doesn't kick on command, so using the excuse of wanting to feel the baby kick will fall on deaf ears. The only one who has clearance 24/7 is my husband.

On a somewhat related note, I would like to bid au revoir, hopefully only temporarily, to my belly button. It's now completely level with the rest of my stomach, and I kinda hope it stays that way. I don't want an outie, because then it'll be visible through my clothing. But there's nothing I can do to prevent one, so if it happens, it happens.

Speaking of clothing, I'm still in most of my pre-pregnancy clothes. I have 2 pairs of jeans that still fit, and most of my t-shirts still work, although some of them are becoming too short. I did pick up 2 maternity shirts and 2 maternity dresses on a recent trip to Fargo, and I imagine I'll get more use out of those the bigger I get.

This week was also my birthday week. I turned 31. Which apparently is my golden birthday, or lucky birthday. Also, it is the Year of the Dragon, going off Chinese astrology. The dragon years are supposedly lucky, also babies born in the Year of the Dragon have extra luck. Can't argue with either one of those!

And lastly, DH painted the nursery! I really like it. Now I just have to wait for him to put the trim back on so that I can start in on it. We still don't have the main furniture for it, but I can set up the changing table and move the 9 cube shelf unit from our room. And once I buy the storage bins, that means I can start prepping my cloth diapers! I've been wanting to do that for a few weeks now, but since there wasn't anywhere to put them except for back in their current plastic tote, I held off. Once I start that, I think it'll feel a lot more real. Right now, it's kinda surreal.

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