April 26, 2012

Fluff, pt. 4

And now the part that almost all cloth diapering mama's are prone to... addiction. Addicted to buying cute new prints or trying out a new diaper just for the hey of it even though their stash is perfectly adequate.

When I first started amassing my NB-6m stash, I didn't think it would happen to me because I always knew that we wouldn't be able to afford to go hog wild on it, and besides, I thought that I just wouldn't be someone who drooled over every new print or color that came out.

Yeah, I was wrong. I fear for what will happen should we have a girl, because there are soooo many cute girl diaper prints out there. Not as many for boys, but some have tempted me a bit. And it's especially hard now that we're doing the Dave Ramsey thing, because I just can't justify spending money that technically doesn't need to be spent yet. Yeah, down the road when we need to size the diapers up, we'll have to spend the money, but until then, it's silly to spend money on diapers we might not even like when we get to that point.

My one exception though just happened by chance. I had gotten a little birthday money from family, to be used at my leisure on anything my little heart desired. And not one to just blow through money like it's going out of style, I held on to it for a while. Then one day on a whim, I submitted my name to the overflow list for the most recent RagaBabe stocking at the time. And by some miracle, I got the chance to buy one!

To those not in the know, RagaBabe diapers are some of the most sought-after diapers on the market, partly because they're so hard to come by, and partly because of the awesome reviews they've gotten. It's a small company, so their inventory is always limited to how much their small operation can pump out within a given time-frame. On days that they restock their website, they diapers are sold out within minutes. And not everyone has the time to stalk the shop on these days, so you have to be pretty lucky to come by one if you're not hard-core (I'm not. Honest). Anyway, just getting my hands on ONE RagaBabe became a desire, even though I totally don't need one. But man, did I want one badly! So when I got the chance to buy one, it made me super happy to know that I had the money for it and that I didn't have to rearrange the budget to do so, because RagaBabes are also in the upper price range for diapers.

I honestly have a hard time paying anything over $15 for a diaper, so to pay $28 for a RagaBabe (including shipping) was a little painful. But I figured that I'm only buying one, and if it doesn't work out, I can easily resell it and make all my money back. See, RagaBabes' resale value is in the rare category of "everyone wants one, and they'll pay out to get it". If you look them up on eBay, you'll see that used ones commonly go for over $40 or more once all the bidding is said and done. So I could possibly make a profit off of it. If I don't like it anyway. If I happen to love it, I'll be keeping it. And locking up my debit card because then I'll be wanting more.

It's a slippery slope.

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