A few days before Thanksgiving, I started seeing women post Black Friday deals from cloth diaper retailers online, and it made me want to buy sooooo badly. But as I've mentioned, I didn't want to buy anything until I was out of the 1st trimester. And as I was in the early days of my 6th week, I wasn't even close to the end. Then I started to think. Thinking of ANY big sale holiday other than the after-Christmas sales, that would come before my baby was due in July. The only one I could think of was Memorial Day, and something tells me the sales on cloth diapers aren't going to be as awesome as they would be on Black Friday. And I love saving money, so it was almost a no-brainer. I would be buying most of my newborn-6m diaper stash on Black Friday. The idea is to buy when almost everything is on sale, and hope it lasts size-wise until next Black Friday, when I can buy the next size up. *Side note: DH keeps forgetting that I haven't bought ALL the diapers the baby will ever use, and it's getting annoying having to explain every 2 weeks that I want to find out what I like before I commit to a full stash*. Onward....
So I did my research and decided what I needed to buy and looked around for good sales. And I found some super awesome sales at a few places! I saved a good chunk of money, and it makes me happy. :) For the infant stage, I decided to do mostly prefolds and covers, and fill out the infant stash with a few all-in-ones (AIO) and perfect size diapers. The One-Size (OS) diapers have a bigger weight range, so they'll last longer. I don't consider them a newborn diaper though, because unless my baby is 10+ pounds at birth (shudder), they won't fit right away. But I got some anyway, just to see what they'd be like.
I won't know until we get into it, but something tells me DH won't want to mess with prefolds at all, hence me getting some newborn diapers you'd put on like a disposable.. meaning an all-in-one with velcro closures. But I didn't get too many since the baby will be super little only so long and it'd kinda be a waste of money. After that, then he can use pre-stuffed pocket diapers. I'm just looking forward to seeing how every type of diaper actually functions on my baby... and selling any that I don't like.
Which leads me into the reasoning behind me not buying any WAHM (work at home mom) diapers. It's good to support WAHM's and their diapers are super cute and pretty reasonably priced. BUT... their resale value is usually pretty low, and almost every diaper I buy, I buy with the thought that I may not like it and will want to resell it. Let's face it, name-brand anything always has a higher rate of return than off-brand. The cloth diaper resale industry is the same way. So most of my diapers are the "name brands"... BumGenius, FuzziBunz, GroVia, Kissaluvs, Bummis and Thirsties. I do have a few "off-brand" diapers, Kawaii and LotusBunz, but I did not buy those. The first was included as a bonus with a purchase, the second I won from a giveaway contest. Yes, I will still use them, and yes, I will try to resell them if I don't like them. But I don't think they'll sell as easily as the name-brand ones will, and they'll probably go at a price that will just barely cover shipping.
Yes, there are lots of moms out there who buy used diapers. It's very cost-effective, if you can get over the ick factor. I can't get over it, so it's very unlikely that I will ever buy a used diaper, even though most sellers take good care of their diapers and keep them clean. I just look at it this way... would I *ever* buy a used swimsuit or used underwear for myself? HELL NO! I realize that adult private parts are more apt for infections and other gross things, while with baby private parts, it's usually just poop and pee. But I still can't bring myself to do it. And the double-standardness of this subject doesn't escape me. I just figure that if there's a market for it, and I have products for said market, I may as well take advantage of it. No, it's very unlikely I will make all my money back, or even profit, if I resell everything I bought. That's actually very rare. The rate of return is somewhere between 50%-80%, depending on what you're selling. So that's what I'll shoot for.
So that'll do it for this round of cloth diaper talk. I'm working on another post that will run down my NB-6m stash, and there'll be pictures, too! I'll publish that probably in a few weeks. Fun times!
I uncontrollably laughed for a minute about 10lb baby. I don't wish that on you, but it always makes me think about How I Met Your Mother where Lily tells Marshall to stop writing checks her vagina can't cash.