July 2, 2012

Pregnancy: 37th week

Week 37
June 27 - July 2

Woot! I'm full term now! It's an awesome feeling to know that should I go into labor, my baby would be considered fully developed. So this baby can come any day now. Truly, it's okay.

Because I got the official PUPPP diagnosis from my doctor, although she said my rash isn't typical, so it could also be Papular Dermatitis of Pregnancy, which is very similar, but not as extreme-looking. And since it's now on my feet, ankles, whole upper legs, lower belly and parts of my arms, she re-ordered the steroid cream. To avoid having me ask her every week for a new container, she just went ahead and ordered a 1 pound container. The picture is blurry, but that doesn't matter. I just wanted to show you exactly how huge this container is! I don't know if I need quite THAT much, but I guess it's nice to know I've got enough to see me through until it goes away.

Anyway, my 37 week appointment went fine. It was a short one. But I forgot to ask about the results from my Group B Strep test, and she was pre-occupied with my rash so she forgot to mention it as well. I would call, but I'll see her again next week, so no biggie. There is one thing I noticed the past 2 weeks that has me a little alert though. Usually when she measures my belly, she'll say "looks good" or something along those lines. But there's been no comment at all the past 2 appointments. I'm sure it's nothing, and the baby has been active, so it isn't causing panic. But just the same, I'm curious about it. Has the baby's growth slowed? Is she just assuming that I know that I'm measuring fine? I don't know.

I am now at the point where I'm super uncomfortable. The hot weather has made my feet swell, and now it's working its way into my face. It's more painful to be up and moving, but by the same token, I'm not that much more comfortable just sitting around either. And lately, I've noticed my fingers feel arthritic, especially in the morning. At first, I thought it was just that I'd slept with my hands in weird positions, but they've hurt every day for a week now. And some of my July baby internet friends are reporting the same thing, so it's just one of those fun things you get late in pregnancy I guess.

And finally, I've been having moments of panic regarding money, especially since I've been looking into insurance stuff. Sometimes I'm convinced that we seriously cannot afford to have children, which then leads me into feeling guilty that I don't work outside the home, not bringing in any money. But then I have to remember that wise old saying of "if people waited until they could afford to do something, they'd never do it" and then I calm down and realize that we'll find ways to make it work. Heck, that's what got my DH to finally propose to me... he expressed to his mom that he couldn't afford to get married and she told him that saying. It worked, because not too much later, he asked me to marry him. And we've made it work. So this will, too, even if it means me getting a job and bubs being put into daycare. But that's a last resort option before more drastic measures, like selling our house, happen.

Yeah, another not fun & cheery post. But I'm not that perky normally, and I tend to worry a bit, so it's reflected in what I write about, which I consider keeping it real anyway.

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