July 9, 2012

Pregnancy: 38th week

Week 38
July 3 - 9

Well, things are starting to progress and I'm excited about it, in a terrified kind of way.

My 38 week appointment included another cervical check, and my doctor determined that I'm between 2-3 cm, but closer to 2. And it's apparently thinning out nicely, too. So yay! I know it can still be a few weeks before the big event, but every cm I get will just be less work for me when that time comes. And I'm Group B Strep negative! That's one less thing to worry about.

On the 4th of July, DH persuaded me to go with him and some friends while they disc golfed, just to walk around. I was feeling a little crampy, probably from the cervical check the day before, so I told him I would walk the first 9, but then I was going home while they finished up the back 9 (he brought his bike so I wouldn't have to go back and get him). Pretty much as soon as we started walking, I started having some minor contractions. Most of them were Braxton Hicks, but a few of them were uncomfortable enough for me to stop walking. It didn't help that the park we were at is pretty hilly and the baby was pressing on my cervix. DH was teasing me that when I was in actual labor in the hospital that I'd just want to lay in bed since I didn't seem interested in walking any more to see if things progressed. But I replied that there are no hills in the hospital halls, and that was my biggest problem... I didn't want to tumble down a hill. That, and I was exhausted. 

After they got through the first 9, I went home and did something I rarely do... I took a nap. And it was glorious! I was originally planning on going with DH & some friends to the lake for a bit to swim after that, but figured I should stay home since I was exhausted (they went swimming while I was napping). Besides, every time I go to the lake, no matter how diligent I am about sun block, I always end up burned. And I didn't want to tempt fate by getting burned and then going into labor. I can't even imagine how much that would suck. I continued to have contractions throughout the day, but not nearly consistent enough to warrant a trip to the hospital. I was hoping that I'd continue having them the next day, but alas, they stopped. I've definitely dropped though, so that's something.

And I'm sad to report that my Evil Crotch Pain has reappeared after a brief hiatus. Not cool. But what IS cool, is that my rash has seemingly disappeared. Guess the threat of that monster tub of steroid cream scared it off. Either that, or the antibiotic I took to get rid of my bladder infection helped it go away. Who knows? All I know is that I don't care, just as long as it stays gone! But another annoying thing has cropped up at night: restless legs. It's not horrible, but prevalent enough to keep me from falling asleep in a timely manner. I've heard that putting a bar of soap at the foot of the bed works, so I'm going to try that if it keeps up.

I'm also finishing off buying all the little things we'll need right away, so that's a relief. I finally got the garbage can that will hold all the dirty cloth diapers, as well as baby nail clippers & files, brush & comb set and a pack of socks. I also rearranged some shelves in our kitchen in order to have space for the bottles we have. DH was especially impressed by this, as he has a weird thing about cupboard space. I intend to breastfeed, but just in case, we have a dozen or so bottles and 2 sample packs of formula. Hope we don't need them, but it's nice to be prepared so the baby won't starve if breastfeeding doesn't work. 

And finally, the most daunting part... I need to finish up the nursery/find home for stuff in the nursery. But that means I need to get on some sewing, as some of the mess is fabric/sewing stuff. I also need to make a painting for over the crib. That's not as important, but it'd be nice to have that done before the baby arrives. So maybe DH should get on making me a frame for my canvas, huh? I'm also waiting to find out what we're having before I do the curtains. I have a few fabrics I've been looking at, but a few of them are more girly, and although I originally aimed to keep the nursery gender neutral, I decided that fun curtains would be the exception. So now we wait. But for the most part, the nursery is done... just a little messy, but that comes to no surprise to those who know me. :) There'll be pictures at some point, but I can't guarantee a time-frame for them. Soon though. :)

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