July 26, 2012


Matthew Locutus Sebastian!

He was born Saturday, July 14, 2012 at 9:49am via emergency c-section. He weighed 7 pounds, 3 ounces and was 20.5 inches long.

Obviously, he's the most beautiful baby in the world. I'm sure you'll all agree. ;)

Sorry I haven't updated sooner. I'm still trying to get my feet under me, and honestly, one of the last things I've been wanting to do since having him is be on the internet. Hopefully I'll get my rhythm again, and then I'll probably start blogging more regularly.

Until then, just gaze at this wonderful face and wait in great anticipation for my birth story and how in the heck he got stuck with a huge mouthful of a name, even leaving out our last name, which is long all by itself. Poor kid. :)

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