May 30, 2012


So I was thinking about my pregnancy, and what I would consider the best part, as well as the worst part. Now, at the time of writing this, I have about 6 weeks left, so my opinions could change. But honestly, I don't think they will too much. So here they are...

The worst part:
Honestly, the worst part for me is not being able to breathe through my nose starting from about week 12 on... and this coming from someone who's suffered from ECP early on, as well as someone who had to go to the ER twice with the worst pain I've ever felt in my life. Not only is it uncomfortable and inefficient to breathe through my mouth all the time (brushing teeth is especially hard when you can't use your nose to breathe), I cannot sleep if I cannot breath through my nose. I will literally wake up the instant I start mouth breathing. So often times I'm up half the night blowing my nose until I suck it up and take some Benedryl (which sometimes doesn't even work if it's bad enough). And then I'm exhausted in the morning, when the cycle starts over. I've heard that often times, the instant you give birth, the congestion clears up. Hope that happens to me... it'll give me a few days of reprieve, since my fall allergies will ultimately make their appearance, which always seems to happen exactly on July 30th.

The best part:
Although I think the best overall part will be when I finally get to hold my baby, right now, the best part for me is feeling the baby move around. It makes it so much more real. The baby has recently been sticking its butt out, and I love giving it a little pat. I also love how I can now tell how the baby is laying, in general anyway. Before, you knew that there was a baby in there, and that you'd occasionally feel little kicks, but you had no idea which way it was facing, or if it was a kick or a punch. And they move around so much, they were probably doing somersaults and cartwheels. But now I know that space is at a premium, so flipping around won't happen as much anymore, and that the baby is head down... which in and of itself is a relief. I don't wanna have to worry about trying to turn the baby so close to delivery or else get a c-section. Hope it stays that way!

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