May 24, 2012


Amongst the many question I get asked, the topic of names comes up pretty often. And I get it... I love hearing baby names and trying to imagine how a certain combo works with the last name just as much as the next person.

But going off experience, I (executive decision, of course) have decided not to let anyone know what the potential names are until after the birth certificate is signed. It hasn't happened to me, but I have seen the reactions of other people when told the name of a yet-to-be-born baby when the name choice is either odd or something not to the liking of the person being told. You all know the look: a scrunched up nose like they're saying "ew" and then followed by "however did you come up with that name?" or "you don't want to name them that!" I haven't personally seen it, but apparently some people are forward enough to blatantly say "I don't like it." It is incredibly rude since they didn't ask the opinion of the other person anyway.

And I know my personality. If I tell people what the names are, and they don't like them, it will bother me and make me second-guess my decision. I don't need that, especially since I happen to love all the names I've picked out. Though I still fully expect to be bombarded with suggestions from family and friends. I'll probably just smile, nod and say "that's pretty."

Yes, I do have a handful of names for each sex, and have for quite a while. As we get closer to meeting this new little one, the list might be whittled down, but it ultimately may be that we wait until the baby is actually here before deciding.

I do feel a little bad though, because it seems as though I am the one naming the baby, with no input from DH. But then I just have to remember the "names" he's suggested so far, and then I don't feel so badly. His "names" aren't really names, but instead food items that I happen to crave. As much as he insists on it, Spicy Chicken Sandwich will not be in ANY part of the name. If he doesn't like the names I pick out, well, that's his own fault for not taking it seriously and suggesting real names. Okay, I take that back. He has suggested an actual name for a girl. I haven't vetoed it yet just because it's been his only contribution and I don't want to discourage him, but I don't really like it as it's kinda trendy. And the first thing I think of when I hear it is a US President from the 1800's. But it's progress, and I'll ask again soon to see if he has any new suggestions for me.

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