May 14, 2012

Pregnancy: 30th week

Week 30
May 8 - 14

This week has been full of baby-related events.

The first thing is that we had our first baby class. This technically happened on 29w6d, but it was close enough, so I'm counting it for 30w0d. Anyway, every other month, the hospital holds 4 2-hour classes on Mondays, and they go over basic pregnancy stuff, stages of labor, labor options, etc. In the last class, they give a tour, which I'm really looking forward to, since the hospital is brand new.

So we get there, and we find out that due to Memorial Day, they're going to combine the 3rd & 4th classes, so we'll only have 3 weeks of classes. Works for me, I guess. We have the Happiest Baby on the Block class the Tuesday after Memorial Day, so it pretty much works out the same for us anyway. Anyway for the first class, it was pretty much everything I already knew, although I did find out that they don't do water births at the hospital. Not because they aren't equipped to, but because no doctor here will do one. But they'll let me labor in water, so it's not too disappointing. What is disappointing though, is that if a woman is going to deliver vaginally, she will be on her back in bed when pushing. No kneeling, squatting, etc. I hope that at least they'll raise the back up so I'm not flat flat. It just seems that it would be easier for everyone involved if they'd let gravity help a bit.

And then they started talking about induction times. The standard here for every doctor is 41 weeks. So basically, going back to my concern that I'm actually a week behind what my doctor says, if I don't have my baby by my actual EDD, I will be induced. No going over a week like all the other moms get to do. It is something I plan on bringing up with my doctor at one of my appointments down the line, because I cannot stress how much I DON'T want an induction if I can avoid it. So maybe my baby will be nice to me and come on time. Please?

Other than that, it was pretty boring. I figured as much though, and figured it'd be more for DH than anything. But with the way his memory works, I'll be happy if all he remembers is how to get me to the hospital. Okay, I should give him more credit... just as long as he remembers to give me massages on demand. And Taco Bell after I give birth :) One last thing: I was surprised at the number of people there. There were at least 14 pregnant women there, not including myself. And they're all first time moms, which tells you that the amount of babies being born in July is going to be staggering, taking into account the 2nd, 3rd or 4th time moms who don't take the classes. The nurse running the class said that they've been warned by many doctors that July is going to be super busy for the maternity ward. So it might be interesting come delivery time to see if they have to overflow the preggos to "normal" hospital rooms, since our hospital only has 3 delivery rooms, and 2 post-partum rooms for those who've had c-sections. I'll be sad if I'm not in one of those 5 rooms, because they're the only ones with tubs. The rest only have showers.

Then the next day, I had my 30 week checkup. Up 4 pounds in 2 weeks. If I keep up this weight gain trend, I going to get a talking to. And I still don't see where the weight is going if it's not to my belly. All I know is that I hope this kid isn't massive. I didn't bring up the induction thing yet, but probably the next appointment. I don't want to sound like a broken record and insist on a later due date, so I hope my doctor at least is open to letting me go later than 41 weeks. If not, I don't know what I'll do, other than finding a new doctor (which I don't think will fly anyway, since apparently the 41 week mark is widely accepted here). Anyway, she told me I have a pretty belly since I don't have any stretch marks. I'm like "thanks", although all I see are slight red splotches whenever I look at it. The baby's still chillaxin' on the right side, and its heartbeat is about 150 still. Not much else went on, and was a quick appointment. My next one is in 2 weeks.

And the most exciting one, DH & I went to the nearest Ikea (400-some miles away) to get the nursery furniture! We got the crib and dresser, as well as a lamp, which we weren't looking for, but will go well with everything. And as soon as I rested up, I put that crib together by myself. I just didn't want to wait for DH, and it actually wasn't hard at all. I feel all accomplished and stuff.

I loved Ikea, and am a little sad that we live so far away from one. But on the plus side, while we were walking through the display floor, DH found a setup he likes for our bathroom. And surprisingly, I liked it, too, which hardly every happens when it comes to stuff like that. So it looks like another trip to Ikea will happen in the future. It will be a few years down the road (to save up), but it gives me something to look forward to.

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