June 11, 2012

Pregnancy: 34th week

Week 34
June 5 - 11

Warning: this will be a whinging post. Yes, whinging. It's a British word I picked up on the internet. It means I'm going to complain. A lot. :)

Ugh... I'm hitting that point in the 3rd trimester where I just do not want to do much of anything. Also not helping is the fact that it's getting warmer & more humid out, which zaps whatever energy I have left. Which brings me to another non-helper... going to the Y to swim laps in order to get 12 visits in per month. I do not want to go at all, but I have to in order to get the $20 insurance refund. I'll be cancelling our membership in a few days, but I really should have done it last month. I just wasn't thinking ahead (a common occurrence). And the sucky part is that you have to give 30 days notice, and we are billed on the 15th. Why I chose the 15th instead of the 1st, I don't know, but that means that we'll be billed for the first 15 days of July and I obviously will not go 12 times in 15 days when I'm due to give birth any day. DH says not to even worry about getting my 12 for July, so that makes me feel better, although he didn't let me off the hook for June. Luckily, DH's karate group practices at the Y 3 times a week, and I can go watch and have it count. So I think I'll be doing more of that, considering that they'll be closing & draining the pool on the 15th of June for 2 weeks, for their annual cleaning & maintenance.

My feet are really starting to bother me. I thought it was just because I am walking around in flip-flops all the time, but then I look down and see that my normally-bony feet are looking more sausage-like. Great. Swelling. So far, I've been able to escape that, but now that it's warmer out, I'm sure that doesn't help matters. Going downstairs and walking on the tile bathroom floor (which is frigid, even when it's super hot out) feels blissful. I think my hands are going to be next, as they are feeling a little achy, too.

And the best... I'm getting stretch marks on the underside of my belly, as well as the areas right above my hips. I figured it would happen, but as it took so long to get them, I'd began to hope that I'd be able to finish the pregnancy unscathed. Nope. Oh well.

I think the baby has dropped a bit, and it makes me fearful about what is to come. See, the baby has decided that my bladder is still the awesomest toy around, even though it's now head down. So it's like a new toy, only it doesn't know it's not new since its feet were having all the fun previously. On Wednesday night, all throughout the night, the baby was awake and constantly head-butting or punching it. Which, of course, is super uncomfortable for me considering there's always something in there. So I found myself getting up so many times I lost count in order to make sure it wasn't so full that I'd have an accident the next time it got poked. Not fun, and the next morning sucked. Doesn't it know that it's night time, and night time means you should be sleeping? Yeah, I know it doesn't work like that with babies. But I can dream.

Um... oh, I had my 34 week appointment this week. Like all the rest, it was pretty quick. I did ask her about delayed cord cutting and how she felt about it. She wasn't too encouraging. The overall answer was "we can do it if we remember to, and only if the baby is tolerating it. But I don't like it." Oh, you better believe you will be reminded! Even if I'm too out of it to remember, DH is going to be all over it like white on rice. Hopefully. If he isn't too enthralled with the squirmy little thing they just put on my belly. Or not passed out from all the gore he'll likely see even if he tries to avoid seeing it. *sigh* Yeah, I might have to let this one go if even we don't remember. But strangely, I'm not upset about the thought that the cord might be clamped right away. I mean, I'd still like it done, but there are other things that are of higher importance to make sure that get done, that this one kinda takes a back seat.

The next appointment is going to be the fun one. And by fun, I mean "not fun". It's when I get tested for Group B Strep, and I also get my first cervical check. I am curious to see if there's any progress, but to be honest, I'm not excited to take off my pants. It has to be done though, so I'll just soldier on.

On a happier note, we went to another garage sale this past weekend, and hopefully rounded out our clothes collection. They had both boys and girls clothing, but by the time we got there, the boys section was pretty well picked over, so we didn't get much there. We picked up some smaller girls clothing as well, and just by chance, I came across an orange 12m dress from Garnet Hill that is fabulous and was only $1. Garnet Hill is one of those posh websites that offer boutique clothing for boutique prices. The particular dress I found isn't available anymore, but going off the prices of their baby/toddler dresses, I'd estimate that the dress I found was easily $50. It makes me all warm & fuzzy inside to think about that. So I'm thinking that this dress will be what the baby will wear during her 1 year pictures. And she'll still wear it even if she's a ginger. If we have a girl, that is. Hey, I'm just being prepared!

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