February 28 - March 5
Wow, for this being the halfway mark, I sure can't think of much to write about! All the excitement must have happened last week.
Speaking of that, my doctor called and said that after looking over all the reports and renal scan, she still doesn't have a definite answer as to what it was. So she's just assuming hydronephrosis, and I'm just to wait and hope it doesn't reoccur once the baby gets bigger and is running out of room. Fingers crossed!
I guess the most exciting news I can think of otherwise, is that the baby either moved up a bit or it flipped upside down, because it kicked my belly instead of its normal favorite, my bladder. It doesn't hurt, but when it's usually full anyway, I fear that a good strong kick could make me have an accident. And if I'm not paying much attention to what's going on, I don't think any amount of kegal exercises will help if I don't catch it in time.
*1 day later*
And that was short-lived. Baby's back to kicking my bladder. Oh well.
Since I haven't p
So.... my belly started growing pretty much right away, and so I thought for sure that I'd be in maternity clothes soon. So I frantically got some clothes that would get me through until it started to get warm. But the thing is, most of my pre-pregnancy clothes still fit. I have two pairs of jeans that are still comfortable enough to wear on a daily basis, and the shirts I wear most often are stretchy cotton. So of course they're still going to fit. My camis and tank tops still fit, too. I think my belly will soon make all my tops too short instead of too small, but it still seems pretty far away.
And since it's going to start getting warmer here very soon, I'll probably move into some of my pre-pregnancy dresses that are super stretchy and comfy. The only thing I really want to get is a pair of black leggings. They'll go under some of the dresses and maternity tunics I have, and I've heard they're super comfy, too. Slap on some flip-flops and I'll be ready to go!
On the subject of clothes, I went to JC Penney just to drool over their baby clothes, and I was hit yet again with regret over not finding out what we're having. Because I could have easily dropped some cash on the cute clothes they had. But alas, I will just have to wait and hope that some of what they have is still there come July. And maybe it'll be on sale! Fingers crossed! :)
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