I figured I would give a run-down of my plans for the nursery. I was aiming for something gender neutral that didn't include tons of animals, Disney, the alphabet or any of the other popular themes one tends to find. The picture I found will work as gender neutral, though it is a touch on the girly side. We'll worry about that once we know for sure we have a boy. Anyway, I've decided that the furniture will come from Ikea... because of the style and because of the price.

For the crib, I want something that has all 4 sides the same height and looks minimalist/modern. It also has to be less than $200, which for a modern-looking crib, is super hard to come by. That's why I just haven't ordered something online. It's also unnecessary for the crib to be convertible all the way up to a full size bed. The majority of cribs now are like this. Why it's unnecessary is because we already have a twin size bed as well as a queen size bed that are not currently in use, so adding a full size bed in the future will not be needed.
For the dresser, the simple, clean look is important as well. And of course the price is a factor. For the baby's room, it's not super important whether it's a long, low dresser or a narrow, tall dresser. But I like the look of the one pictured, so

that's what we'll likely get. We already have a changer
(white of course), so it won't be used for that, but it's at the right height for it should we not like what we've got now. It makes me slightly nervous to have all white furniture, since kids like to color on stuff, but I like the look of it. I'll just have to find some super awesome cleaner.
Here's the inspiration picture:
The walls will be seafoam green, and I'm tr

ying to find white blackout curtains. The ones I'm finding online are kinda pricey, so I may end up making them myself. We already have a 9 cube shelf unit that we'll put in there. The bedding will be bright yellow and white, and accents around the room will be bright yellow and bits of bright red. I'm fiddling with the idea of putting wood grained wallpaper on the drawer fronts, but probably won't because there will be no other wood element in the room
(the nursery has cream carpet). There probably won't be a chair, as it doesn't fit in the budget, but that's alright... there are other places to nurse in the house. DH suggested moving his recliner into the nursery, but I said no because it's an ugly burnt orange color, and frankly, if there's going to be a chair in there, it needs to match. I don't wanna fool with slip covers or reupholstering either. Yeah, color isn't important in the grand scheme of it all, but if I'm going to the trouble to come up with a color theme and design, I'm not going to just toss any old thing in there. Just something I'm stubborn about, I guess. *shrug*
Having a convertible bed is silly; K's is but when you get right down to it, the only thing it converts into is a headboard, so you still have to buy all the other stuff. :( Can't wait to see it all put together, it'll look awesome! :D