February 14 - 20
*knock on wood* I think my belly is about ready to pop. It's been about the same the past 3 weeks, but I noticed this morning that it seems as though it grew more overnight. And later on in the night, I was slightly crampy, which I take to mean that things are growing. So I'm going to be curious what it looks like over the next week. I just hope I'm not imagining things. I mean, I know it's going to happen eventually, but at the same time, it feels like it's never going to happen.
And the baby has also been a lot more active recently. Active as in "I can actually feel it," and sometimes even from the outside. Maybe that's because I can feel it from the inside, too, so the impression of the kick is stronger? But they're not strong enough yet to where DH can feel it from the outside. Soon, I hope. And the baby has found a new game that's cute right now, but probably won't be as it gets bigger. The game is Kick Mommy's Full Bladder. Right now, I can tell what's going on because there's a slight momentary change in the pressure, but it's not uncomfortable. I can only imagine what it'll feel like when the baby is stronger. Probably not too fun.
But I'm getting super excited because my 20 week ultrasound is scheduled for the 23rd... which is next week! We're still not planning to find out what it is, so I hope the tech doesn't accidentally show us the private parts. Because as hard as they are to read, I know what to look for for each, thanks to years of frequenting infertility/TTC boards. With boys, well, that's obvious. And with girls, I know that 3 lines show up. Just as long as the tech stays away, we'll be good to go.
As for the pain I reported last week, it's still here, and a little worse. Any physical movement that involves the legs hurts so much, it's kind of debilitating. So I think I'm in HUGE trouble for the next 22 or so weeks if this is what I feel like now. When I see my doctor next week, I'll ask her about it and see what she recommends. I've been sitting on an exercise ball, and that helps while I'm on it, but it hasn't eased the pain for all the other times when I'm not. Maybe I'll find some good stretches to do, other than the ones I do for swimming. Anyway, I'm thinking the baby is positioned low, but we'll find out for sure at the scan. If it is, there isn't much one can do about it besides suck it up and try to alleviate the pain as much as possible until the baby is born.
*I was admitted to the ER at the end of this 18th week. I will make another post just about that, because this one is long enough and what I have to say is just as long. I'll post it in a few days.
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