February 7 - 13
Well, let's start off this week with DH being sick yet again. It's only been 2 weeks since his last bout. This time he went to the doctor, although the results were the same as they've always been... him having a viral infection they can do nothing about and DH ranting that doctors are useless. Well, they can't help you... maybe if you'd catch a bacterial infection, they'd actually give you something to get rid of it.
I know it's frustrating to not be feeling well, but having a sick man at home can really try the patience since they're so crabby and whiny at the same time. And they don't have the excuse that they're a kid. I'm sorry. I'm not a doctor. I can't help you beyond driving you to the doctor, making you something to eat, getting you some Advil or whatever. And I especially can't help you if you refuse everything I offer. No, I don't know why you're always getting sick. If I did, you wouldn't get sick. No, I don't think you eating nothing but cheeseburgers every day will help you not get sick anymore*. It will make you really fat though, and will bring on its own problems far worse than getting a viral infection every month, which you might still get when you're fat anyway. Take your pick.
Sorry... this is supposed to be about me and my pregnancy. So would it make you more sympathetic to my cause if I told you that I also woke up with another headache? It made the day so much more fun.
But in the good news department, later in the night while watching some Star Trek: DS9, I noticed the baby moving a lot! There was no mistaking it for gas. It was awesome. :) Later in the week though, I didn't notice much movement. So maybe it moved more towards the back?
And now I will mention something I started experiencing a few weeks ago, and I'm pretty sure it's common, so I haven't complained about it. But it hurts and has a funny name, so I figure I should get it out in the open. I have something the women on my pregnancy board call ECP (Evil Crotch Pain). I'm sure there's a technical term for it, but it likely isn't as fun as Evil Crotch Pain. What it is, is shooting pains in the vagina that are felt with pretty much every kind of movement. Fun, huh?
And because of this, I've found myself waddling around the house far earlier than I think is necessary. It kind of concerns me that it's happening so early for me, as most women get it towards the middle of the 3rd trimester. I'm not that big at all, so that can't be it, either. But it does occasionally happen to women this early, so I'll just put it down as normal. I try to keep the waddling to a minimum in public, but when it's the only way to still walk and not have it hurt (as much), I have to resort to it. And the sad part is, I don't think it's related to the pain I started getting in week 7 and still have to this day where it hurts to lift my legs to put on/take off pants, socks or shoes. That pain feels like it's actually in the uterus instead of outside of it. So heaven help me when I really do get big. I'll try not to whine too much about it though. "Try" being the operative word. :)
* 1. My choice of poison is actually tacos. But DH specifically mentioned cheeseburgers this time. 2. Whenever DH is sick he never fails to point out that I eat like crap and almost never get sick, while he eats really well and exercises a lot and still gets sick very often. So he rationalizes that if he started eating more like me and working out less, he'd never get sick, too. But what he fails to realize is that when I do get sick, I get sick. Like, I think I'm going to die for more than a week and then when it's over, it takes another week or two to get back to feeling 100% normal. The last big illness I had was 2 years ago when I had walking pneumonia (I don't count what I had when I got pg a big illness, since the pregnancy probably intensified it). Two years before that was Influenza A... not the lame stomach bug "flu" that leaves after 24 hours, but the Flu that sticks around for such a long time that your boss begins to think you're just playing hookie after you've called in for the 4th straight day. And then realizes just by looking at you when you get guilted to go in, that you really are sick and sends you back home for the rest of the week. So it's not as awesome as he thinks, since it all evens out in the end.
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