January 31 - February 6
I think I know about what time my baby will consistently wake up in the mornings, just based off the times I've been consistently waking up the past week or so. It's not pretty at all, and I hope to God I'm wrong. The wake-up time is within a 45 minute span between 4:45 and 5:30. Isn't that just wrong?
Anyway, the past week, I've been a total zombie in the mornings because of this waking time. Because for some reason, I do not fall back asleep until after DH gets out of bed, which is about 6:00 if he doesn't hit the snooze button. But more often than not, he gets out at 6:45 (hitting the snooze button every 15 minutes the whole time, BTW). And all this time I'm awake. Then when I fall back asleep it's like I'm taking a nap, which would explain why I feel like crap. See, whenever I take naps, I always wake up feeling about 100x worse than I did before I fell asleep. So I try to avoid taking one. Why not just get up then? I don't know. Because I'm a glutton for punishment? Or maybe it's because I don't want to make DH his omelette every morning. :)
I haven't felt the baby much this week, and if I did feel something, I'm quick to blame it on gas. But towards the end of this gestation week, I've felt what I'm pretty sure is the baby. It's not a kick or a jab, or even the famous butterflies. It's a slow movement, kinda like the baby is stretching, and it only happens once before I feel nothing again. It's awesome. :)
***16 week check-up results***
This was another short appointment (yay!). She measured my tummy and said it was measuring perfectly. Then she did the heartbeat check. She found it pretty quickly this time, which was a relief. The baby is near the top of the uterus now, and right in the middle. The heartbeat was 160 bpm. And since she's still using my LMP as a gauge of how far along I am (grrr), she said it'd be alright to have my ultrasound in 3 weeks instead of 4 (because going by LMP, I'm 17w1d right now instead of 16w3d going by O date)! One of the few good things to come out of that seemingly unnecessary 6w ultrasound. Yeah, I don't think I'll let that one go for a while.
The doctor told me again that when the difference is a week or less, they use LMP because it really doesn't make a difference. Yeah, it really won't matter... until I pass my EDD and they wanna induce me! That's when those 5 days will show back up and try to bite me in the ass. I really hope I don't go over anyway, but most 1st babies are late, so I've always been under the assumption that I will go over with this one. So my doctor is not going to like me very much if I get that far and refuse to be induced because I feel like I have 5 more days to go. But you never know... maybe the baby will actually arrive on time! One can only hope...
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