October 28, 2011

Food challenge, update

I've had a few people ask me about this, so it's a good time for an update, huh?

It turns out that the day after I posted about the challenge, my husband, maybe realizing that he wouldn't be getting many nutritious meals should we go ahead with it, told me that we didn't have to do it. BUT... he would really really like it if I could use the stuff in the freezer, which is mostly meat. Okay, I can do that, and it won't make me feel overwhelmed trying to be creative after the fresh stuff is gone.

And I have to mention that I did not complain or whine about it... I was all on board to do it, though I wasn't jumping up and down excited to do it. Nor does he read this blog, so I cannot be blamed for his change of heart. :)

But while I'm talking about food and shopping, I'm going to do my grocery shopping for next week solely at Walmart, to see what the bill comes out to be. The grocery store I usually shop at has been raising their prices a ridiculous amount, and I'm having problems keeping within the $75 weekly budget, even without buying meat.

For an example, I buy FiberOne wheat bread. At the grocery store, it was $3.99 for a long time. Just last week, I noticed it is now $4.33. What is it at Walmart? $2.99. I know... paying $4 for a loaf of bread is insane, but my husband likes the fiber content, so that's what I get. There are other items I constantly buy that have had their prices go up, too, so we'll see how that turns out. Not totally wild about driving across town to grocery shop, and at Walmart to boot, but I'll take what I can get.

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