August 17, 2012

Matthew @ 1 month

Time has gone by so quickly! It's hard to believe he's already a month old, as it seems as though it was just yesterday that I was pregnant. And at the same time, he's already changed so much. One of my pre-birth purchases was a newborn-sized romper (not 0-3 months, but truly NB size) and his first week, I put him in it when he and DH went to church. He was so teeny that he was swimming in it. A mere 3 weeks later, I put him in it again when we went to a friends' wedding. It is now on the verge of being too small. What can I say? He likes to eat. And on a related note, he is a champion pooper because of his love of the boob. :)

We've also gone through a few stages already, too. Like the lovely 3-week "I'm a cranky baby who gets painful gas every time he eats" stage, as well as the awesome 2-week "I'm going to stay up all day and all night because I'm cluster feeding" stage. I know we'll go through all these again numerous times, so I'm not looking forward to that. But it all does mean that he's growing, and that's good, so I'll just have to take one day at a time.

But for the most part, he's a really good baby. Very aware of things when he's awake, and he sleeps at night with only a few feeds. He mostly falls back asleep after them, too. Mostly. We do spend a few hours sleeping on the couch in the living room once in a while though, just so DH can sleep when Matthew doesn't want to sleep in his Rock n Play sleeper.

And the part I think is the best? Since newborns don't smile consciously, I have to wait until he falls asleep to see one. That's how I know he's truly sleeping... his eyes aren't always closed when he falls asleep (it's kinda creepy), but he almost always smiles a few times when he first goes out. It's so cute!

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